Project: Office Design With Jay Scotts Planters

Plant Parents was founded in 1984 as an extension of the Greenwood Garden Center. Their licensed and professional staff provide dependable and high-quality plants and plant services to local businesses and homeowners including this office space.

Location: 6742 Richardson Road, Sarasota, Florida


The Client’s Challenge

The client was looking to find planters and greenery that would thrive in an office environment. They needed planters that would not only compliment the office space but also keep the plants healthy and not a potential nuisance or safety hazard. 

The Jay Scotts Solution

The Plant Parents chose plants to add color and life to an otherwise sterile environment. Jay Scotts Indoor planters were chosen due to their extraordinary professional appearance and performance.

The planters installed also fit the color scheme and design of the office spaces.

By using both linear planters and tabletop planters, Plant Parents were able to install a landscaping solution that saves space within hallways and on surfaces.

planters in an office
©PLANT PARENTS / David Glosser / Jay Scotts

The Client’s Result

Plants have helped to purify the air, reduce noise levels, and create a more comfortable temperature in this office space. Overall, the addition of planters has provided a healthier and more attractive working environment for staff that will translate into more productivity and retention.

planters in an office
©PLANT PARENTS / David Glosser / Jay Scotts

A Closer Look – The Jay Scotts Difference

Small touches have made a large impact on the overall look and feel of the building’s spaces. By incorporating low-maintenance plants and pots into the design of the office, it is now a more inviting and attractive space for employees and clients alike.

Jay Scotts fiberglass planters were the perfect tool for the task as they are built to last years while delivering a healthy environment to let plants flourish – adding more color and life to interior spaces. Another benefit of our fiberglass planters – they don’t leak, while other materials are porous and will seep moisture creating unwanted maintanece and cleanup.

Jay Scotts planters have been manufactured and designed to be the perfect companion for commercial places!

indoor tree with planter
©PLANT PARENTS / David Glosser / Jay Scotts

Elevate Your Commercial Project With Jay Scotts Planters

Montroy cube silver tree planters reveal design
Montroy Cube Planters bring trees into commercial design // Jay Scotts

If you are considering using plants to improve your commercial space, the most important thing to look for is durable and reliable planters. The quality of the planter is essential as they provide the foundations for lush growth and botanic ambiance.

Plus, a high-quality and professional planter is more likely to impress customers and help achieve your business goals – which is the reason you are investing in biophilic design in the first place!

Our planters are made from lightweight yet durable fiberglass (the best planter material). They are perfect for any kind of business both indoors and outdoors. Offered in a wide selection, there are many styles and colors to suit your business’ design needs.

If you are worried about the longevity of your investment, do not. Our planters withstand diverse weather conditions, from frosty winters to scorching summers. To underscore Jay Scotts value and commitment, all our planters come with an industry-leading warranty.

If you want to find out how our wholesale planters can transform your business, contact us. Or better yet, give us a call and our sales consultants will be more than happy to walk you through any outstanding questions or requests you might have.

If you’re simply window-shopping, why not put together a quote to get a sneak peek at the value we offer as a Jay Scotts Partner.

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